The E-commerce website is operated and owned by: Royal Home Luxury LLC Georgia, Tbilisi - Tax ID 404587666
Address of warehouse: Hualing Tbilisi Sea Plaza, 22 J Lezhava St 0163 Tbilisi, Georgia, Entrance of (Public service hall) 2 second floor - warehouse number 2C-039.
Address of headquarters: Davit Aghmashenebeli Ave 262, in front of Tbilisi Mall, Tbilisi, Georgia (Building under construction).
Email for online shopping:
Email for wholesaler and hotel clients:
Important note: The minimum quantity for wholesalers is 100 pieces per product.
For online support: Monday to Saturday 9 AM to 18 PM, Please call or send a message on the Mobile/WhatsApp number: +995 595 014 100